Wednesday, August 7, 2013

DayTing in LA/NY

DayTing in LA/NY

I'm 34, attractive (according to my parents), generally normal except for my chemical dependency to certain anti anxiety meds, friendly, active, animal lover and tax paying citizen. I'm also single. For some, this paints my whole existence as half empty. You would think in 2013, the stigma of being single in your 30's wouldn't paint the picture of a blemished person rotting slowly as each day passes, but alas, if you're not WITH someone, SOMETHING must be wrong with you. I've been in plenty of relationships. Ones for a few years, ones for a few months, but they all add up to a combination that shouldn't exist. I refuse to settle and if that means my eggs resemble the ones on drugs in those commercials from the 90's, then bring on the meth!

Since I won't marry the next Harry, Dick or Tom that shows interest, I'm subjected to engage in the Digital Age's preferred method of matchmaking: Online Dating. Ok fine, I'll admit it. I was one of the first to enter this domain. In 2003, my co-worker and friend, Melissa, and I came up with an idea. Living in NYC, you are forced to walk everywhere which means you are forced to make eye contact with everyone else around you. Melissa and I saw this as a means to an end. If we made business cards that listed a few personal stats and contact info, we could eliminate the small talk and just pass it to the cute guy in the power suit on 57th and Broadway heading to lunch. In retrospect, I realize this idea was just a step above posting your number on the bathroom wall, but we were young and idealistic. Since we weren't sure how to go about this brilliant business venture, we decided to go ONLINE for "research." She went on Match while I went on JDate. As many of you have heard or experienced for yourselves, there's always a story to tell afterward. Some are lucky and meet that certain someone on their first try but most of us have at least a couple whammies that encapsulate the typical online experience. If 1 in 5 marriages happen online, then the other 80% of us are here to entertain their friends and slowly kill their family. 

So, what is DayTing in LA/NY? As of now, I'd like it to be a collection of stories from those who have surfed for a companion in the two cities I've spent the majority of my adult life in but I'm open to elsewhere. Male/Female/Animal/Vegetable/Mineral, I'll take it all. Recently, I've been receiving messages online that when collected add up to a Circus Revue, so feel free to send me pictures and emails from your virtual intended as well. I will post a new story every day with an anonymous narrator. Stories can be sent thru this Blog or directly to my email:

This blog is intended to be humorous and therapeutic. I'm a firm believer in laughing at yourself. Who else understands better than you?

I leave you with my current favorite online message.

The Camel

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