Monday, August 26, 2013

11 Signs You're Dating a Sociopath... only 11?

Huffington Post did an insightful investigation on the 11 signs your man is a sociopath. First, why is it always a man? I've known plenty of female sociopaths. Second, there's only 11 signs?! Third, they interviewed Dr. Seth Meyers, so it's clearly a legit medical investigation done by a professional!

Oh who am I kidding, he could medically investigate me anytime!

Assuming you don't want to read the article yourself, I'll break it down for ya... here are all the signs to look for in case you want a sociopath in your life.

#1) He has a huge ego and blames others for his failures.

Tiger Blood, don't forget

#2. Lying for the sake of lying.

The cute ones are always made of wood

#3. Empathy is a foreign word.

If you meet a Ponzi schemer, run. 

#4. Lacks feelings of remorse or guilt.
Juicy Joe knows what I'm talking about

#5. Stays calm after or during shocking events.

Anyone else hear the rumor that Casey Anthony was pregnant?

#6. Irresponsible
Wife murdered? Leave town.

#7. Few or no friends

#8. Toooo charming
Center Stage: straight, hot ballet dancer!

#9. Only wants and seeks pleasure
Clearly stoked on life

#10. Breaks Rules
Arrested in 3, 2, 1...

#11. Staring problem

He has always scared bejeesus out of me!

Friends be careful. I briefly dated one a few months ago. He also dressed as Spider Man for a living, so totally my bad.

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