Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Oh Ok Cupid!

The best part about being online, is receiving unsolicited messages from strangers of whom you'd normally never associate with. Your profile is in a public domain that can be seen from upwards of 100's of thousands of individuals from here to BFE. No, really, to Butt F*&king Egypt! I can show you the illegible emails from men in the middle east asking to be my man of the world and my shah in the bedroom. Trust me, I've thought about the idea of finally owning my own camel.

Since this blog is about sharing (and none of you have sent in any stories yet), I thought I'd use my first real post to highlight some of the goodies I've received recently.

1) An individual sent me a message today entitled, "What I'd Do To You"and a link to the following video:

To make matters um, worse (?), here's his Profile Pic: 

2) A 24-year-old Hispanic man in Monrovia sent me this "respectful" email along with his head shot for the Thunder Down Under:

I have yet to respond but am glad to see he does his own ironing and uses Febreeze.

3) The grammatically challenged never get a response from me. If you were Ryan Gosling and used incorrect possessive pronouns while posing half naked with a puppy in one hand and a baby in another, I wouldn't respond.
WERE never gonna work!

4) If we've never spoken and you don't even have one photo for google image recognition to detect whether you've been in State Penn or not, please don't immediately ask me out.

He immediately de-activated his account.

5) I can't explain this one.

But I respect him for his seasonal wardrobe choices.

6) Last but not least, this guy is looking for someone tall and has a NYC cell phone if you're interested.


  1. That last guy's a winner! Marry him before he makes some taller bitch happy.

  2. I could totally share but I am married and have no dating stories! LOL! Now, had you started this blog 10-14 years ago... I would have a TON!! Sorry ;)

  3. omg i wanna join okcupid just to send you awkward screen shots!
    - cat

  4. You can't make this shit up! Amazing! Keep em coming

  5. Check out the stuff next to bad grammar guy's Febreeze. He uses Ponds cold cream (or is that Vaseline?)... how convenient in the bathroom. And it looks like he has 3 or 4 other roommates. Check out the number of toothbrushes. Maybe he's just OCD about brushing??

  6. This is the best, Cam. Please never stop.

  7. Thanks everyone! Melissa, I know some stories just off the top of my head from when you were single, so don't pretend being married now means you don't have anything to share. And, all the narrators (besides me) are anonymous. xx

  8. Hahahaha why haven ´t I seen this before?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Camsteeeeeeeeeeer!!! hahaha fantastic!
